Wednesday, October 8, 2008

In search of playpen

We use our handmade playpen made from wire shelf system.
We connected the wire panels of 14" (which was on sale at Walmart like $15) with book binder coils ($.15 each from school supply store).
We even painted the wire panels with bamboo color so that it looks nice!

Our late rabbit liked it except he moved it with his mouth and escaped.
We had to tie the ends to the cage so that it will not move open.

Anyways, to our surprise, this baby rabbit also do the same thing.
She tries to move the panel by her mouse exactly the same way!

But there is a more serious problem.
Since she has such a small head she can stick her head through the wire opening completely!
It freaks me out since she may be stuck in there, and panic and choke someday.

We started to look for a better playpen with smaller openings. I found a couple of them they all not in desirable size (or color).

I found this one, which is 29 inch tall and it was too tall. I want to touch her while sitting down outside of the cage.

The ideal size is around 18" high and there is one in the Petco but it has still wide openings and too heavy to move it around.

"I want to get out!!"

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